Coaching by experienced athletes
We also walk the talk, so you can know we're giving you techniques we personally use that are practical and proven to provide real-world results.
We're with you every step of the way
Providing you accountability, advice & motivation to achieve your goals.

Professional Level Coaching
Our focus is on the individual with personalised training programs and support on a weekly basis. Training is focused on progressive overload and continual improvement.
Through extensive engagement with numerous world leading strength coaches we have developed techniques and skills that offer a science based approach to training programming. These largely utilise successful training modules such as Daily Undulating Periodisation (DUP), Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and Reps In Reserve (RIR).
How we get results?

Form Focused
We want to maximise the value of your time spent in the gym so we make sure you are moving efficiently to enhance your hypertrophy and strength gains.

Data-driven Tracking
We use a range of specific data points to make sure you're right on track to achieve your goals. From Rep testing, tracking fatigue levels, to form checks, by keeping this value data on record we can optimise your training.

Stay Accountable
You will be given an allocation day where you fill in the data capturing spreadsheets, and check in personally with your coach. Being accountable to your coach and having that objective view will ensure progression.

Your goals, lifestyle, wants and needs are essential for creating a plan specific to you. We ask important questions initially and use all your information to create the most unique program and plan, designed for you.
People We've Worked With

Hussein Alaouie
2019 1st Ranked u85kg class in Powerlifting Australia
Best comp lifts
Squat: 255kg
Bench: 180kg
Deadlift: 285.5kg
Best Comp Total: 718kg

Kelli Clarke
20+ Australian records
2019 1st ranked u72kg class in Powerlifting Australia
Best comp lifts:
Squat: 185kg
Bench: 93kg
Deadlift: 209kg
Total: 487kg

Leon Stensholm
Multiple 1st place finishes in bodybuilding comps